Capstone #4: Site Visit

For my site visit Dr. Greenberg, who is also the person I interviewed let me put on clothes that surgeons wear, even the hat, and “sneaked” me into a large room full of robots.

He and his colleague, (I forgot her name), showed me the Da Vinci surgical robot. First you have to press the on button, obviously. Then you choose which body part that you will be doing surgery on. Next, you push and roll the robot on front of the place where the patient lies down. You use these handles to place the robotic arms over the place where you are giving the surgery. For example, the stomach. When performing surgery with the da Vinci, there are miniaturized instruments that are mounted on three separate robotic arms, allowing the surgeon maximum range of motion and precision. The Da Vinci’s fourth arm contains a magnified high-definition 3-D camera that guides the surgeon during the procedure.

I got to hold the these pretty long and sharp at the tip tools that the surgeons use to make a cut on someone’s body. Eww. Surgeons have to deal with it unless they don’t like their job.

They also showed me the place where robotic surgeons sit to give surgery. That place is called the console. I sat at the console and took a game/test. It’s where you use tools to pick up colored rings and you put the rings on colored cone shaped things. You had to match the color without bumping into anything. I must admit, I was pretty bad at it, but it’s my first time. Also, it was all VR (Virtual Reality) which means that I could look around but not in reality. At the site visit I learned a lot about how robotic surgeons use the robot to give surgery. Overall I was very curious about like every thing I saw and I learned a lot about the robot.


This is me playing the “game”.            This is me holding the tools            This is me turning the robot on.


3 thoughts on “Capstone #4: Site Visit

  1. I like that you Told us about a game you played at your site visit but could you name the colleague that helped you.

  2. Wow! Seeing the da Vinci operating system up close sounds fascinating! You wearing the doctor “scrubs” was a great way to get in character, Dr. Yang! 🙂 What a great site visit!

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