Turkey/Syria Earthquake

Turkey Earthquake rubbleTurkey and Syria were hit with massive earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.8. Take a look at this news story to learn more about this event.  Then in this blog post, click Leave a Comment and respond to these two prompts:

  1. Share one fact that you have learned about this story or earthquakes in general.
  2. Share one thing that you are wondering.

Remote Learning Wonderings

remote learningFor the last two years, schools have experienced remote learning for some or all students at a time. We’d like to know what you think of classroom learning, when it’s online.

Use the Comment space below to tell us what you think are some of the pros/cons of “distance learning”? How can this type of learning be improved to make it work better for you as a learner? Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Living in a Remix Culture

film reelToday we looked at some examples of remixed media. Some day YOU will publish original media content on the Internet, whether it’s a movie script, song, video, etc.

How would you feel if your fans remixed your work into something new?
What would you want them to do to show respect for your rights as a content creator?

Leave your reply in the comment section below.



How Far is Rock Bottom…in the Ocean?

It’s safe to say the ocean is pretty deep. But how deep is it? Watch the video below. It will stretch your thinking on how deep… Deep really is.


After watching this video, do the following:
1. Go to your student blog site
2. Create a new post
3. Respond to this question: What questions or creative thoughts are sparked by this video? For example…what do you wonder? What do you want to know? or do?
(you may embed this YouTube video by copying the video’s URL, locating the “Visual/Text” tabs on the top right of your post, click Text, then paste in the URL. Click back to the Visual tab to continue writing.)

YouTube URL for this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwVNkfCov1k

Why We Give

Sometimes when we give to others, we receive even more in return. Watch this video. Try not to cry, then think of a time when you or someone you know made a sacrifice or did a good deed for the benefit of someone else. Briefly write about this time. Try not to cry.

How Do You Define Sport?

How do you define sport or athlete? There are nearly 60 events in the Summer and Winter Olympics, but each year there are some that get people to stop and ask, “How is this a sport?” And then there’s another event that’s become very popular in competitive sports world — Sport (Cup) Stacking. Watch this video to learn about this fast growing sport! Then reply to this post with a response to the question — What makes cup stacking a sport?