E-Learning Thursday March 19th
Good morning! Thank you for the great photos and cool ideas for measuring on yesterday’s padlet. If you haven’t added to it, please take some time today to do that. Also, I’ve left you all feedback on the SeeSaw assignments. Your work and efforts are truly amazing! Today I’d like to start our day with a read-aloud, so please get your notebook and a pencil, get comfortable and click on the video below. It’s the first one I’ve ever made! I’m going to get better at this, I promise!
Today is a REVIEW DAY.
For the rest of your virtual school day, I’d like for you to read over the blog posts and assignments for this week. Make a list and check off what you’ve completed (wahoo, good for you-be proud of what you’ve done!) and then make a plan for tackling any unfinished work. If you haven’t added the completed assignments to your E-Learning Slides (in your social studies folder on your drive), then put that on your to-do list for today. If you have any questions, please add them to the padlet E-Learning Questions. And don’t forget to build recess into your day! And check out what Ms. Bescherer, Ms. Cameron, Mr. Borgia, and Senor Johnson have posted for you on the E-Learning Tab of the Heathcote Gateway.
Review of E-Learning Assignments from this week
Look back at my blog posts from this week for the specific links and directions
Math: Equivalent fractions, area & perimeter (workbook page 174. is a good review of Perimeter)
BrainPOP Videos
SeeSaw Activities
WorkBook pages (there are links in each blog post this week to the pages)
Khan Academy
Enemy Pie from Storyworks Jr.
Independent Reading
TrueFlix (on the library database page)
Ruby the Copycat Essay
Blog posts – have you added to your blog this week?
Extreme Weather – video and See, Think, Wonder sheet
Poetry Centers (a new page on this blog) Have fun exploring your inner poet and post your poems to your blog!
Words Their Way (pearsonrealize.com)
Have a great day!
Ms. Boyer xo