Resources for Parents
Dear Parents,
Welcome to 3rd Grade! Open House this year is on Thursday, September 12th and I’ve compiled a list of helpful hints for you that will make the evening more informative and interesting. So, with that in mind, when you have a few minutes please:
- Create a Twitter account for yourself – I use Twitter daily for class charts and sharing information about the amazing work we are doing in class. Download the Twitter app on your mobile device. Follow us @CBBoyer2
- Create a family Tinkercad account with your child so that you can view your child’s 3D designs from home – share the login information with your child and with me via email. We will be using Tinkercad later in the fall.
- Sign up for REMIND as I will send updates regarding trips, school events, and class activities; follow this link to join our class group: 3Boyer20 using the code 38ak7k
- Know that your child is required to read every night for 30 minutes. This is the one non-negotiable aspect of h.w.
- Set aside a jar filled with random coins (all US coins represented) for your child to practice making various combinations of $1.00. Knowing how coins are parts/fractions of a dollar (parts of a whole) will aide in the comprehension of fractions, later in the school year. Keep it handy & encourage practice often!
- Expert Lecture Series: Think about something that you are an expert on (whether in your professional field or in daily life) and plan to commit to one hour between now and June to come in and share your knowledge with our class. Bring your calendar to open house so you can sign up!
- Come to Open House prepared with your mobile device and your calendar.
Looking forward to a successful year!
Christine Boyer