E-Learning Tuesday June 9th
Good morning!
I’m looking forward to meeting with you all this morning in small groups. I’ve shared a folder with you titled “Fantasy Stories 3B 2020” – please add your fantasy story document to this folder right now. We will be looking in this folder when we meet this morning.
This morning check your small group time-the link was sent to you as a calendar invite.
9:00am: Hayden, Jane, Jaden, Sophia, Eli, Cindy, Jai
10:00am: Rodrigo, Alexa, Jake, Alyssa, Trevor, Nicholas
11:00am: Brooke, Jaba, Max, Isabella, Raiya, Jacinta
You also have a 10:30 Art Zoom with Ms.Cameron, a 1:00pm Tech Zoom with Mr.Casal (where we will be talking about your book trailers), and finally, a 2:30 library broadcast with Ms.Sorensen.
Planners ready? Let’s get started…
MATH: Shapes/Polygons
Today you are going to be learning all about what polygons are and the different names we have given polygons. You will need to watch this entire tutorial through to the end in order to understand the seesaw activity that has been assigned to you. Make sure you pause the video when directed so that you can think through some of the work independently and then click unpause when you are reading to check your reasoning.
Polygon Tutorial Video with Mrs. Luciano
Math Seesaw Activity
SOCIAL STUDIES: Brooklyn Part 2
- Revisit the resources that were posted yesterday for the Brooklyn Part 1 lesson.
- Brooklyn Part 2 Video: Show what you know
- Brooklyn inspires creativity and that has been expressed over the years in art, music, poems, movies and more. Think carefully, make a plan and include details in your creation. A few ideas for you to build upon:
- Chalk drawing in your driveway (perhaps graffiti style?)
- Design a new subway car – sketch it or build it with found materials
- Design and build a new sculpture for Prospect Park
- Write a poem about Brooklyn – one specific learning or an overview
- Paint a landscape
- Write a song that tells the world what you learned about Brooklyn
- Post your creation to SeeSaw and be sure to record yourself telling us all about it. (see the activity that is posted on SeeSaw for you)
WRITING: Fantasy Scripts
Script Writing Intro with Mrs. Mangan
Today your job will be to create a script for your Adobe Spark Video. Mr. Casal shared with you a document in your drives called, “Adobe Spark Book Trailers-Script.” Please record your work on this document.
- Write a script for your fantasy trailer.
- Share your script with your teacher to get approved.
- Do not start your video until a teacher approves your script
And to help you stay organized…
- Fantasy Book Club
- Reading Bingo Board Activity
- Post to Seesaw
- Writing – Imaginative Narrative
- Watch Script Writing Introduction
- Write a script for your fantasy trailer
- Share your script with your teacher to get approved.
- Do not start your video until teacher approves your script
- Math
- Watch Tutorial on Polygons
- Complete Seesaw Activity
- Social Studies
- Revisit yesterday’s resources on Brooklyn (Epic collection of books, additional videos)
- Watch Brooklyn Video Tutorial
- Create your very own inspired work of Art (list of suggestions has been provided for you)
- Take a picture or video and upload to Seesaw
- Fantasy Book Club
See you all later!
MsBoyer xo