E-Learning Wednesday April 15th
Good morning!
I loved learning how to use Kami with Mr. Casal yesterday! Eli and Sophia are experts and can help anyone who might have a question. I’ve made this short tutorial for you that may also be of help.
This morning we have a Zoom session at 10:30. Please be patient as you will be in a waiting room until invited in. I will be there a few minutes early, don’t be late!
Have I mentioned how proud I am of all of you? You are so helpful to one another, you’re working hard and smart every day, learning and cranking out such beautiful poetry and other creative works. I am so PROUD of each and every one of you!!
Let’s keep the good learning going with today’s work…
MATH: Measuring with grams
Interactive Pan Balance: This interactive Pan Balance is the tool that was utilized in the video. Take a moment to practice measuring common objects with gram units.
Workbook Pages 13-14 are in your math folder on Drive.
This answer key is for yesterday’s workbook pages 11-12. If you were not using bar models to solve the problems, please look at this answer key to see clear examples of bar models.
Weather Forecasting Part Three Video
Be sure to complete your weather journal for today using one of these websites: Wunderground and News 12
Weather Forecasting Part Three slides are in your science folder on Drive. Complete the Stop and Think Questions in the science section of your E-Learning Slides. Copy the question and answer in complete, detailed sentences.
Alliteration Video with Mrs. Mangan. The slides are in your social studies folder on Drive.
These are some examples of alliteration in children’s poetry
- Read for 30 minutes. This can be on TrueFlix, a physical book, Scholastic, or even an audiobook.
- You can also read on Epic and will be required to do so next week so if you haven’t logged onto Epic yet, please follow the directions below and do so now: Logging onto Epic: go to https://www.getepic.com/students and use the code ecu0778.
- Choose two pages to photograph and read to me on SeeSaw by Friday.
AND to help you with your planning for today:
- Read 30 mins – log on to Epic if I haven’t already
- Write a poem using alliteration and share on Seesaw
- Math Workbook pages 13-14
- Read PebbleGo Next article and National Geographic article
- Complete 3 Stop and Think questions for Science
- Fill in Weather Journal for Wednesday
See you all at 10:30!
Ms. Boyer xo