E-Learning Monday May 4th
Good morning!
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend and spent lots of time outdoors! The weather was beautiful (I think the actual weather was much better than the predicted weather). An old saying states, “April showers bring May flowers” so perhaps the rain is over.
Let’s get organized for May. I’ve put new slides for the month of May in your social studies folder. Put all of your previous work in the April folder to keep the workspace organized. The May slides are a little different in that they are organized by day/date instead of the subject area. We will talk about this when I see you later.
Our zoom session today is at 10:30 – bring your reading notebook. You have a 1:00pm Spanish Zoom with Senor Johnson and a 1:45 Music Zoom with Ms. Bescherer. At 2:30 there’s library broadcast with Ms. Sorensen. Your new zoom schedule is in your social studies folder.
For our Monday discussion starter, the inspiration comes from watching an old favorite movie with my boys, IronMan. I’m curious to know what your favorite older movies are and if you like to rewatch them. Here’s the link to our Padlet Discussion Starter.
Daily planners ready? Let’s get started…
Convert between liters and milliliters Video with Mrs. DeGrazia
In this video you will convert between liters and milliliters, subtracting and adding milliliters. You will need paper and a pencil to practice all the problems. You will pause and un-pause throughout this video and be expected to compare your solution with the video’s solution. Please watch and practice all the problems in its entirety before completing your math workbook pages.
Copy and paste: Workbook p45-46
Print option: WB pp 45-46
Watch this video to learn about NASA’s Climate Kids Website and the wealth of information it holds. There’s a video for you to watch, a few questions to answer, and an Engineering Challenge that you are sure to love!
Weather & Climate Part Four Video
Weather & Climate Part Four Slides (these are also in your science folder on Drive).
Theme Day 1 Video with Mrs. Mangan
Today you will be learning about the story element, theme. The theme is the big idea or message that you take away after reading your book. Watch the video, and then push yourself to add an idea about your book club book’s theme when you are recording your ideas on Padlet today. I’ve added a column for you to focus your thinking on theme.
BrainPopJr Video on Theme – if this link isn’t working, then log onto BrainPop from the Gateway. This video is in your assignment.
WORDS THEIR WAY – Be sure to log in through the Heathcote Gateway. Due by Friday
On this day in 1979, Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to be elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland, and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland (which is variously described as a country, province or region). The flag of the United Kingdom is known as The Union Jack. “Why do countries have flags?” you ask, well check out this website to find out why and learn about flags from all over the world.
To help you stay organized:
By the end of today, I need to have completed….
- Words Their Way Due Friday
- Read 30 minutes – book club padlet post
- Watch the Brainpop video on theme
- Math workbook pages 45-46
- Watch the science video and complete the Seesaw activity
- Complete the engineering challenge – take a video or picture of it, upload to seesaw and voice record your explanation – hopefully it will be warm enough to complete today
See you all at 10:30am!
Ms Boyer xo