May 5

E-Learning Tuesday May 5th

Good morning!

I am happy to announce that my seeds are sprouting. Does anyone else see signs of growth? Take pictures and share on SeeSaw, please. After yesterday’s lesson, your bookclub padlets are VERY  impressive as they are filled with new thinking and insight. Thank you for putting so much effort into your contributions! Today is a Bingo Board day. Please choose and complete the task with no less than 100% effort, as I know you will. Post on SeeSaw when you are done.  

Daily planners ready? Wait, are you setting up your daily schedule or is mom or dad doing it for you? As an almost-fourth-grader, you should start by reading the blog each morning and making your own plan for the day. Add our 1pm Zoom with Mr.Casal to your schedule and Ms. Sorensen’s 2:30 pm library broadcast. Mom and dad can help or approve your final schedule, but you can certainly start doing the heavy lifting here. 

Now, let’s get started…

MATH: Extra Practice to convert liters and milliliters

Watch the first video of our two friends in 3rd grade as they demonstrate what happens when you add a container greater than a 1 liter and another container less than a liter.  It is a great visual to understand adding liters and ml. Great work girls!

Student demonstration Video

Watch the video below for extra practice to convert and subtract L and ml. You will need paper and a pencil to complete the problems. 

Converting & Comparing ML and L with Mrs Degrazia

Copy and paste: Workbook pp47-48

Print option: WB 47-48


Today we begin the 4th Section of our Weather Study.

  1. WATCH the video to learn how to create your own Puzzling Vocabulary matching game to practice new terms and definitions. 
  2. LISTEN to the directions for the related SeeSaw activity titled “Puzzling Vocabulary” 
  3. PRINT the template and get started…

Seasons Part One Video

Seasons Part One Slides (these are also in your science folder on Drive)



Today as we continue our talk about theme, we discuss the difference between theme and main idea. Watch the video below and then go on over to Seesaw to look for an assignment called, “The Invisible Boy-Theme.” Watch the video and write one idea of what you think the theme of the book could be. 

 Day 2 Lesson with Mrs.Mangan

Continue reading the assigned book club book amount and then pick one activity from the BINGO board to complete for today. Be sure to identify which activity you choose either by name or by number and post your final project to Seesaw by the end of the day. 


Words Their Way – Due Friday 

Read Aloud to me on SeeSaw – Due Friday (more than once is good if you have time). 


On this day in 1891 Music Hall (Carnegie Hall) opened in New York, Tchaikovsky was the guest conductor. Tchaikovsky was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally, which he bolstered with appearances as a guest conductor later in his career in Europe and the United States. One of these appearances was at the inaugural concert of Carnegie Hall in New York City in 1891. Disney’s movie, The Nutcracker and The Four Realms is a great way to enjoy Tchaikovsky’s famous score. 


AND to help you with organization…

By the end of today, I need to have completed….

  • Words Their Way Due Friday
  • Listen to the “Invisible Boy” read aloud (You can find that on your assigned Seesaw post) and record your ideas about what the theme of the story is
  • Read 30 minutes – book club bingo board activity (Posted on Seesaw)
  • Math workbook pages  47-48
  • Print out the Puzzling Vocabulary Template
  •  Complete the Vocabulary Activity and post to Seesaw
  • If you haven’t done the engineering challenge from yesterday, you can still complete it – take a video or picture of it, upload to seesaw and voice record your explanation
  • Check for feedback on the work you handed in on slides and/or SeeSaw. Make corrections if needed.


Have a great Tuesday, my fabulous third graders! I’ll see you all at 1:00 pm. 

Ms.Boyer xo


Posted May 5, 2020 by cboyer in category Uncategorized

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