June 7

E-Learning Monday June 8th

Good morning!

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and did something awesome outdoors! Sunday was great weather to be outside and I was happy to be walking, planting and enjoying lunch on the patio. It was very relaxing! Our discussion starter Padlet today is all about relaxation: What do you love to do outdoors that is really enjoyable and relaxing? 

This morning we have a zoom at 10:30, you have Spanish at 1:00pm and a library broadcast with MsSorensen at 2:30. 

Planner’s ready? Let’s get started…

MATH: Angles

In this lesson you will need a few items:

  1. A pair of scissors
  2. A pencil
  3. A piece of paper
  4. A post it note

In this lesson you will learn about angles and how to name specific types of angles. You will be asked to frequently pause the video and practice the skill. Then you will click unpause to see if your answer or solution matches my own.

Math Tutorial Video with Mrs. Luciano 

Many of you have your workbook at home. You can do the workbook pages directly in your workbook, take a picture and upload to your June E~Learning slideshow OR you can continue with the practices we have already been doing (print option OR copy and paste to slideshow).

Copy and Paste to the slideshow: Workbook pages 151-152

Print Option: Workbook pages 151-152

SeeSaw:  Angle Scavenger Hunt in Activities Tab


WRITING: Revising & Editing 

Writer’s you are all so close to publishing! Today you will take the time to review what you have written (and typed in a doc in your writing folder). Revision is about making changes to your story to make it better and Editing is about spelling and the mechanics of writing. It is helpful to have a partner or two to work with at this point to ask for their feedback and get their help with spelling & punctuation. 

Revising and Editing Video

Revising and Editing Slides 

Narrative Writing Checklist to Print


SOCIAL STUDIES: Brooklyn Part 1 

Today we are continuing the tour of the 5 Boroughs of NYC and we are off to visit Brooklyn. There are many resources here to help make this an enjoyable trip. 

  • First, watch the Welcome to Brooklyn video 
  • Then check out the additional resources below (Choose at least 2 to read or watch from the Epic Collection)
  • Complete the SeeSaw Activity assigned to you in the Activities Tab. 

Additional resources:

And to help you stay organized:


  • Book club reading
    • Padlet post
  • Writing – Imaginative Narrative
    • Watch tutorial
    • Watch Imaginative Narrative Video on Slides
    • Begin the revision/editing process of your writing – find a partner(s) to help you navigate this process
    • Use Narrative Writing Checklist to assess your writing
  • Math
    • Watch tutorial
    • Complete workbook pages 151-152
    • Complete Seesaw Activity
  • Social Studies
    • Watch Brooklyn Tutorial Video
    • Go to Epic and check out Brooklyn Collection that was assigned – Read or watch two of the assigned readings/videos
    • Complete Seesaw Activity
    • Check out additional resources


 See you all at 10:30!

MsBoyer xo

Posted June 7, 2020 by cboyer in category Uncategorized

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