E-Learning Tuesday March 17th
Good morning and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
It was great to check in with so many of you on See Saw. I loved hearing you read! I miss that a lot! Our Discussion Starter Padlet is filled with so much wonderful learning! Thank you all for posting! Did you connect to Dan Gutman reading aloud? What did you think of Epic? As of right now (8:02am) I’ve checked your E-Learning Slides and left comments/feedback for you. I’ll be reading your blogs later this morning.
Below is a list of the work for today (and it may take you longer than just one day to get it done and that’s ok). As always be sure to build in your recess and lunchtime when planning your day.
Let’s get started with this Padlet: Think, Notice, Wonder (very similar to See, Think, Wonder)
Take a look at the image and record your thinking. What do you think? What do you notice? What do you wonder? Be sure to put your name on your post.
Music and Art
Visit Ms. Bescherer’s and Ms. Cameron’s Webpages on the Gateway tab titled e-learning resources
While you’re there, check out the Spanish, PE and Instrumental Music pages too!
National Geographic for Kids St. Patrick’s Day Check out surprising facts about this holiday and take the quiz.
Reading/Essay Writing In your reading folder on Drive, you have a short story titled, Ruby The Copycat. Print it out, read it once to get the gist of the story. Then read it again and mark it up with a colored pencil. What stands out to you? What are you noticing about the main character? The second page in your reading folder is titled, Ruby Organizer. Print it, read it carefully and complete it. This might take some time and you might want to do it over two days. When you’re done, post it to your E-Learning Slides in your Social Studies folder on Drive.
Independent Reading Read for 30 minutes. You can continue reading your own book, or
- try the epic site (the link is in yesterday’s post and there are many books to choose from)
- TrueFlix (library database)
Words Their Way (continued) www.pearsonrealize.com
Math: Area and Perimeter
BrainPOP Classroom: Activities on Area (log on through the Heathcote Gateway)
Math Workbook pp162-163 Print these pages out and complete. You should keep the originals and upload a photo/screenshot of your finished work to the math page of your E-Learning Slides.
SeeSaw Finish the pages in the activities section
AND if you have any questions, I’ll be checking the padlet from last week. Thank you Alyssa for answering Trevor’s question!
Have a great day!
Ms. Boyer xo