Good morning my fabulous third graders,
First I want to say I miss you all and have loved the writing, the photos, the see-saw activities, and the blog posts that you have been sharing with me. It has really helped me to still feel connected to you all! We are about to embark on a new type of learning journey and I am glad to be doing it with all of you! We have started every Monday of this year with a discussion starter so this Monday should be no different. Let’s “discuss” on this padlet: What have you learned while you’ve been out of school this week? (Follow this link if the padlet does not appear below. It is visible in my drafts but not in published form as of right now.)
Read this post all the way through before getting started. Then make your plan. What will you do first? Next? And so on. You may not get through all of this today. Planning for distance learning is going to take a little time to get used to. Make a schedule for yourself that includes snack time, a little recess and don’t forget lunch. AND please include some maker time each day if you are able. Create your own centers or use the ones we have from class (Wonderopolis, BrainPOP, card games, freewriting, story cubes if you have them, etc.) And remember to add your questions to me on the padlet that is on my blog post from March 13th titled “E-Learning.”
Monday E-Learning Lessons:
Storyworks Jr. (the link is on the student resources page of this blog) Read the story titled, Enemy Pie in the March/April issue. Copy the pause and think questions on a google doc or a notebook page and answer them as you read. Use at least two details from the text to support your thinking.
See-Saw (log on through the Heathcote Gateway) Click on the Activities tab to see the work that I’ve assigned for you. Choose any 4 to complete today and complete the remaining tasks by Wednesday. Add at least one of your own videos of you reading aloud from your fiction book.
Words Their Way ( Check your assignments and complete them by the end of the week. Print out or write a list of your words and ask someone at home to quiz you. Or if you are feeling creative, make a word game that tests your knowledge of this new list.
Writing about your reading In your reading notebook, (take a break from the screens), write the title of the book you are reading. List the strengths of the main character and create a claim based on that. Find two pieces of text evidence that support that claim and write them in your notebook. As you read (for 30 minutes) continue to add to your theory.
Math: In your math notebook or on the math page of your slideshow (in your social studies folder on google drive) define the terms AREA and PERIMETER. What is the dictionary definition? How would you define each term in your own words? Math workbook pages 159-161 Area – click on this link and print the pages to complete (another screen break).
And finally, a new site to tinker around with! Go to and follow the directions below for Laptops/Chromebooks OR iOS/Android login. Explore the site and let me know what you think of it on your blog or in the slideshow (in your social studies folder in google drive).

Please note that the work for today will not be equivalent to the time of a regular school day, however, you can continue your learning by studying something that you are interested in if you finish everything above and would like more. Think of all that you’ve learned with Mr. Casal and expand on those lessons (google drawing and stop-motion movies were my favorites), and remember the resources on the library webpage. Teach someone a new card game (multiplication war) or research a new one to teach me (make a video or post the instructions on your blog).
I’d love to hear from you regarding today’s work. How did it go for you? What is frustrating about e-learning? What is good about it? What might we do differently? How can I help you?
Oh and if you love Dan Gutman, ask a parent/adult to help you connect to this very cool event. I’d give you directions, but I never understood Facebook. I’ll have to ask my teenage son to help me.

Have a wonderful Monday!
Much love,
Ms. Boyer