Capstone #1

As a fifth grader, this year we each get to make a capstone project. This project can be on anything you are passionate about, enjoy doing, etc. At first, when I heard of capstone, I had no idea of what I would do it on. But actually, the time has come and I have came up with about fifteen ideas. Then, I thought it would take me so long to decide on my topic! Finally, I have decided I wanted to do my capstone project on movie making. I decided to do this topic for many reasons. The first reason I decided to do this topic is because when I went to Los Angles I went to Warner Brothers Studios (where movies are created) and I thought it was so cool. I even got to go on set! Another reason why I chose this topic is because I love to act. It is one of my passions. Lastly, my uncle is an actor and the things he does are so cool. He was neighbors with one of the actors of one of my favorite shows, and I got to meet him! Overall, I’m so relieved that I finally chose a topic.