Posts Tagged ‘computer’

Learn to code: command section

For computer tech we have started to use swift playgrounds. One of the tasks I had to complete was to find bugs in the code and fix it. 

 These are the steps I had to complete, as well as the path byte was going to take:


There were many bugs I had to fix. I had to make sure that it went the right directions, and made sure to collect any gems or toggle any switches. To fix the bugs, I had not first watched it, and looked over the code. I had to rearrange a bunch of steps to make sure it worked. Even though it was hard at some places, I mad we sure to no give up and keep on going!

“Code stars” film- reflection

For computer technology, our assignment was to go watch a video about coding called “Code Stars”. This video included lots of different people, who were very famous, talking about how to code and how to start. One thing that I realized is that these big coders, like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates all started small. In the video they talked about How they first started by coding something that say makes a circle move, or show what their favorite color is. This surprised and inspired me, because it made me realize that I don’t need to be super good at coding all of sudden, and that it takes time. Everyone has to start somewhere, before they can grow.

Scratch “About me”

For my last quarterly, I have computer tech. For our first assignment, we had to make something on scratch. This assignment was to code something that would tell people about yourself. I included basic things like my name, favorite food or animal, and my hobbies. I included things that helped people understand me better and maybe they would learn things they didn’t know before.

I haven’t really coded before, so this was a little difficult. I tried to use different types of coding. For example, I played around with the sound and motion. I also added text. One thing was that I had to make sure everything was timed right. I stated with the blocked “when the play button is clicked”, and then I would put a timer block to make sure the specific sprite comes in at the right time. Overall, I am super happy with how the project turned out!

HERE IS THE LINK (<press on it)