Rube Goldberg machine – post #1

We are starting a project called a rube goldberg machine. I am working with a partner, Mateo. What a rube goldberg machine is suppose to do is to make a simple task easier with alot of steps. For example lets say you want to turn on a light switch, you would hit a button and that will hit dominos and that will hit a book and that will hit the light switch. That is what a rube goldberg machine is. What me and Mateo are doing is a soccer ball scoring into a soccer goal. Our teacher, Vivian Robert told us that we have to have at least 8 steps. The time limit for the Rube goldberg machine is 5:00 Minutes. The 8 steps that we are doing is a ball goes down a pipe ( This is table #1) and hits dominos then that will hit a soda can with water then the soda can hits books that hit car. The car goes down ramp and hits swinging bar that hits car number 2 which hits book that hits the enter button on a computer and calls my phone. Then my phone will vibrate down ramp ( Table #2) and hits books that hit a soccer ball that rolls down ramp ( On the floor) into the soccer goal.

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