May 30

The Great Wall of China

Hi guys! It’s been a while since I have last posted. As you peeps all know, I am doing The Great Wall of China for capstone. In this post I will be telling you all the facts that I know about The Great Wall.
The mean emperor.
The Great Wall was built by peasants, farmers, and criminals. families were separated because workers got snatched out of their homes.They did not even get to decide whether they wanted to built the all or not. If you disobeyed, you would be executed. Click Here.
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Category: Writing | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 2

Great Wall of China

I have been looking forward into studying The Great Wall and I always wanted to know more about it ever since I went there last summer.  at first I had a little trouble finding books and resources about it but now I understand it better. I am not quite done with my research yet, but here are some of the facts that I have collected so far on my topic:
  • the supplies used were rocks, bricks, rice powder, reeds, and soil.
  • It was Qin Shi Huang who ordered people to build this wall
  • There were about one million laborers that built this wall
  • As many as 300,000 workers died and many were buried within the wall itself.
    Hope you enjoyed this post! 😉
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