Monday, March 23rd-ELearning


Welcome back  3D! Our zoom session is at 11 a.m. this morning. I shared with you a google doc titled “Zoom Sessions with 3D” in your Social Studies Folder in your Drive. In the table you will see the link to use for our Zoom session. I will be on by 11am, so please be prompt. Also, please go over the “Zoom Etiquette” before meeting with me today.

Below is the link to our class Padlet for any questions you may have for me to answer throughout the day.

E-Learning Questions

Remember to plan out your day. Do an assignment. Take a mental break (go outdoors, listen to music, play a board game – whatever you need.) Then come back and tackle another assignment. That seems to be the best approach and one where you can get the most out of your day!

Please remember to visit the specials websites:  Heathcotegateway E-Learning options 


Today you were supposed to listen to “Because of Winn Dixie” chapters 10-12 (in your reading folder).  I sent chapters 13-15 in your reading folder last night for you to listen to by tomorrow morning.  I would like to Zoom again Tuesday at 11am to have a mini lesson on session 7, but we need to read up to chapter 15 to do this.  Please try to connect with your book club members, so you can continue the reading work that we left off from class.

Read a book for 30 minutes. Choice:

Math- Watch the video below from Mrs. Mangan. You may want paper and a pencil to complete the sample problems with Mrs. Mangan.

There is an area and perimeter seesaw activity on your account. Take a moment to try it out and submit it to me. I can’t wait to watch your response! This is due by Wednesday.

Below you will find a page from our Extra Practice Math workbook in a google slide. You have a few options. You can print and write your answer and insert it into E-Learning Google Slideshow or you can copy the slide into your E-Learning slideshow. I will show you today during our Zoom session how to do this.

Perimeter p241 EP (Put in E-Learning Slideshow)

REFLEX MATH– 3 green dots by Friday

Optional: Fun Math Puzzle Challenge(Put in E-Learning Slideshow)

Social Studies (Please wait to do this assignment after our Zoom session. I need to teach you a lesson before you do this on your own.)

We are starting a new Social Studies unit on Cultural Universals. We will be studying the five categories of universals: Politics, Social Aspects, Economics, Beliefs and Cultural Arts. During our Zoom session today we will learn more about this.

This will be a long-term project that we think you will really enjoy! All cultures, within a country and around the world, share certain ideas and ways of life, these are Cultural Universals. We may all have different types of dance, but we all dance. We may all have different ways of dressing, but we all wear clothes!

The third grade team invites you think about your life in Scarsdale. What are the ways you get from place to place, what does your family value, do you celebrate any specific holidays? Some answers you will be able to find on your own, others you will need to ask your family and some you may need to use the internet to research. Good luck!

The Google Slides called, Cultural Universals Project, has been placed in your Social Studies folder for you already. Feel free to fill it out directly on the slides (erase the lines and type your answers) or print it out to hand write the information.

Politics Section due Wednesday 

Words Their Way- Spelling

You have been assigned a new sort for this coming week. Those of you who have NOT submitted your previous week’s sort, please do so today BEFORE you start your new sort. You will need to log onto “Words Their Way”, which you can access through Heathcote Gateway and continue working on the spelling unit for this week. Click on the link and sign onto your account.