Wednesday, March 18th E-Learning

I have some new activities for today. As always, you can continue to work on Reflex Math, Typing Club, Tynker, any of the math or ELA games from my webpage or blog. Keep reading the books you have at home, or use Epic to continue reading digitally.

Remember to plan out your day. Do an assignment. Take a mental break (go outdoors, listen to music, play a board game – whatever you need.) Then come back and tackle another assignment. That seems to be the best approach and one where you can get the most out of your day! Any questions? Write them here: E-Learning Questions

Remember to check out the links for specials! Heathcotegateway E-Learning options 




Spanish  ~Senor asked me to have you log in


I have been reviewing your literary essays on Ruby the Copycat. It looks like we need to review a few things.  I made a Screencastify to point out the different structures and development of such an essay. I used a student’s writing piece from a few years ago to show as an example. Make sure to expand the screen so it appears larger, then press play. I will show another one if you find this helpful. You may also find this video in your drive to review. Please let me know if you would like another example on the E-Learning padlet.



Read a book for 30 minutes. Choice:


I assigned all groups their spelling work for the week. Go to Heathcote Gateway to Words Their Way All activities are due by Friday.


Click here to print out some additional cursive practice.


A new genre of study. Poetry can be very different and possibly more challenging than reading prose, or the typical way you read text in books or articles. While prose is organized into paragraphs, poetry is organized into stanzas.

Check out, “The Wind”.  I made a Google Slides presentation to view the poem and the questions.  I would suggest printing the poem, so it is easier to answer the questions.  Type your answers in the E-Learning Slideshow in the ELA section with the heading “The Wind” and today’s date.

The Wind Poem and Questions


Today, I have a seesaw activity for you to do. On your iPad, you may need to download the app “Seesaw” and then log onto your account. You can access Seesaw through your iPad or your computer. If you do it on your iPad you will need to download the app. If you do it on the computer, you will need to go to and then sign in with your Google account. You can always visit heathcotegateway to find the directions.

See Saw Area Activity

I can’t wait to see what you do:)

Complete math workbook pages : pp164-165(take a picture of your work and put under math in the E-Learning Slideshow with the date)

**NOTE p 164 is lightly shaded so it may be difficult to see at first.

Friendly Notes to review area- Extra Practice

STEM- Build a paper Airplane – Something to do for fun with a family member 🙂

Test out your skills building some paper airplanes. Which type went the furthest? How far did it go? Record your experience under OTHER in the E-Learning Slideshow.

Fold ‘N Fly

I hope you have a wonderful day today! I am very proud of you and all the work you are doing. Keep it up! Remember I am here to help.  I will answer your padlet questions in a timely manner.


Tuesday, March 17th E-Learning

Welcome back, 3D! How did you do with your work yesterday? I am excited to see your literary essays and see what you thought about life in a colonial village. If you didn’t get a chance to complete the work from yesterday you can absolutely do it today. I will continue to add activities for those of you who are excited and willing! Please download  SeeSaw app on your computer or ipad today, so when I assign an activity you are ready for it.

Just a reminder to check out links from our teachers who teach specials.  Check out Heathcotegateway e-learning. You can click on the blue bar to learn more.

I will continue to add their links each day as a reminder.

Heathcotegateway E-Learning options





Remember to either print out the activities or add your work to the E-Learning Slideshow in your Google Drive Social Studies folder. I have been grading the work on the E-Learning slideshow for those students typing the answers in the slides or inserting images with answers. You will see my comments written in red. We can also have a conversation using the comment feature. I’m enjoying the questions from padlet. Continue to post them if you have any further questions: E-Learning Padlet

READ 30 minutes ~pick from the following

I included 3 fun links from National Geographic Kids since it is St Patrick’s Day. Check them out:


I assigned all groups their spelling work for the week. Go to Heathcote Gateway to Words Their Way


Use the literary essay organizer to write your final essay Literary Essay outline

The hard copy of Ruby the Copycat can also be printed here.  

You can make a literary essay folder in your google drive writing folder and make a google doc titled Ruby the Copycat.

How can you share your essay?~ a few options…

  • You can take a picture and insert a readable image into the slides
  • Share a link and paste it in a slide under ELA. In google docs press the share button, at the top right corner click get sharable link. This will lead me to your google doc essay.


Please insert it in your ELA slide for me to see and I can give you feedback.


Yesterday you practiced with BrainPopJr. and learned about area. Today we are going to continue to learn about area by looking at this video. Pay attention to a new vocabulary word: composite figures.

PBS Learning- Area of Squares and Rectangles

Workbook pages   pp162-163 (take a picture and insert them into a google slide under math with a date)


In our next science unit we will be investigating climate and patterns of weather. Watch the Mystery Science Video and, if you would like, use the See think wonder sheet to make some inferences as you watch. The worksheet is a Google Slide that you can print out to complete if you would like.

Mystery Science Video

See think Wonder (take a picture and insert it into your google slide under science with a date)




Monday, March 16th E-Learning

Hi 3D! I hope you enjoy checking out some of the activities I have created for you today. Remember to record your thinking by printing out the work and saving it in a folder, or record your thinking by adding to the Google Slideshow in your Social Studies Folder in your drive named, E-Learning Slideshow. If you have any questions contact me through this padlet: E-Learning Padlet.

I have been reviewing your class blogs and noticed some students did not post their biography projects.  Please remember this was due last Monday and we already completed this work in class.  You need to publish, categorize, and tag your post. If you are having trouble to embed your google slide, remember go to heathcotegateway, to technology, to resources, to tutorials, to blogging. Follow the steps to embed a googleslide (skip slides 10-19).

I may ask you along the way to sign up for the different online tools that we can use throughout our time outside of the classroom. There are instructions below for our first one, Epic.


You should read 30 minutes or more everyday.  If you do not have an independent book, remember to use the Library online databases to help.  Also, I would like you to read on RazKids and complete the multiple choice questions 2-3 times per week.  I will check your login weekly.

Join my class for Epic! It is a website that has read alouds, audiobooks and videos. Directions are below. (Go to and the class code is mru9731).  We will use books from Epic in future posts, but you can start as soon as you would like.

Spelling- I assigned all groups their spelling work for the week. Go to Heathcote Gateway to Words Their Way Your assignment will be posted and the directions are the same as if we were in class.  The only difference will be that I cannot take a small group to teach you the lesson.  Take your time and have fun!

Please look at my post from March 12 about Ruby the Copycat. Follow the 2 steps listed on March 12 for Ruby the Copycat (some of you already did this last week :)).  Once you listen to the story and brainstorm different theses’ on the padlet,  you are ready to start a literary essay organizer.  Please click Literary Essay outline  and print to organize your thesis, three pieces of evidence, and elaborate to why this evidence is important.  The hard copy of Ruby the Copycat can also be printed here.  

**A hard copy text is needed to underline the text evidence to support your thesis (just like we did with “Those Shoes” in class).

Need a little more challenge? Once you’ve completed the organizer, write your literary essay! This may take more than 1 day to complete.

Remember these guidelines as you write.

  • Paragraph 1:
    • Introduce Book and Author
    • Clearly state your claim
  • Paragraph 2:
    • Lead into your evidence: (One part of the story when…, One example of when…, In the beginning of the story _____ was _______ when…, etc.)
    • Give your text evidence (Paraphrase or use exact quotation)
    • Explain WHY your evidence matters: (This shows, this explains why, In other words, etc.)
  • Paragraph 3: Repeat Paragraph 2 but with your second piece of text evidence
  • Paragraph 4: Repeat Paragraph 2 but with your third piece of text evidence
  • Paragraph 5: Conclusion
    • Restate your claim
    • Explain what the character or the reader learns. What can we take away from reading this text?

Show off your amazing essay by either printing it and bringing it to school when we see each other next, or add it to the ELA section of the E-Learning Slideshow.

If you are having some trouble I included some examples of literary essays from “Those Shoes” to help understand the format that we practiced in class.

Exemplar Literary Essays


Photograph Analysis 

Looking at pictures is one way we can learn about history. Click on the link above to see a picture of Colonial America. Look closely at the picture and think deeply about what you can infer about life at that time.

To record your answers, type into the E-Learning Slideshow saved in your social studies folder OR print the analysis sheet out to write down your ideas. If you choose to use the slideshow, you can name the slide, “Colonial America” and put today’s date.

MATH: AREA ACTIVITY – Continue REFLEX~3 green dots per week

First- go to Heathcotegateway and follow the directions to get into Brainpop. Your assignments are already assigned in your account.  Remember to sign in to G suite DO NOT use the Scarsdale password and username option.

  2. Log in with Google G Suite for Education
  3. Check out assignments. If you can’t see an assignment, watch the video link below and complete the quiz.

Watch area video:  BrainPopJr. Area Video

Take easy quiz or hard quiz – or both!

Math workbook pages 159-161 Area – you can print or write the answers on the google slide.

EXTENSION: Complete this activity if you’re interested

You will need to print out one sheet in order to complete this activity. Have Fun!

I miss all of you and can’t wait to see your work. Look for you new post tomorrow:)