Wednesday, May 13 ~ E-learning

Good Morning 3D! Today is Wacky Wednesday!

Watch the morning message first, then reread the blog for closer details.


Please remember to visit the specials websites:  Heathcotegateway E-Learning option

Questions? Continue to add to our class Padlet: E-Learning Questions or use your gmail

Zoom Schedule Today: 

3D tech /Whole Class- 11-12pm – Today I will see a small group #7, 10, 17, 18

Library Broadcast (optional) – 2:30 pm – Mrs. Sorenson will read a book to you

READING/WRITING: Fantasy Writing

Writer’s today is the day you’ve been waiting for! For the first time ever, third graders are going to be writing fantasy stories. In order to do this type of writing well, there needs to be a structure that is followed. We know how creative you all can be and want this to be an awesome learning experience, so please take your time with today’s exercise in letting your mind wander. Get your pencil and notebook ready, and then watch this video. 

Imaginative Narrative: What is it?

Generating ideas and daydreaming ideas should take about 20 minutes as you write and jot in a notebook. This is a very important step in your writing! Take a picture of your ideas from your notebook and put in your E-learning slideshow for me to review or post Seesaw.

I put the slides for this lesson in your writing folder and you can use the link below too. Make a new writing folder in your Google Drive  (Fantasy Writing) to help with organization.

Imaginative Narrative Part 1 Slides


READ: 20-30 minutes book club book #2 (some groups are ready for #3). Email me if you are ready for book #3, I will assign a fantasy book for your group to read. Today you have your padlet activity with your book club members. Look at my comments and suggestions on your padlet.  Remember to have 1 cover  uploaded to your padlet and write across all of the columns, not just one column.  Also, it is important not to report but to think deeply about your book.  If one person reports something (for example character names) , then you should add to the post your thoughts and text evidence to support your thinking about those characters.  Everyone in the group should not repeat the setting…think about why the author chose the setting? How does the setting affect your characters?  Why is the setting important? When listing the problems, the same is true. Don’t repeat the same problem your club members already posted…instead add on to your partners posts and either agree or disagree, but provide more text evidence in your thinking. Your posts should reflect 20 minutes of thinking to receive excellent participation credit. 

CURSIVE: Lower case x and v

If you need to complete these two pages by Friday, that is fine:)

Please watch the two videos to help with your formation of x and v. You may need to watch the videos more than once and then skywrite.

tutorial on lower case x

tutorial on lower case v

Please print and complete x and v cursive pages: Take a picture and insert in E-Learning Slideshow.

Cursive Masters x and v


Math: Subtraction from Meters

Today you will be learning how to subtract from meters. You will have to recall your knowledge of converting centimeters to meters and meters back to centimeters. You will also be reminded of some mental math strategies you have learned in previous units that might help you solve some of these problems. You will need a pencil and paper to complete this work.

Please put workbook p 177 in your E-learning slides for today.

Workbook pages 177 copy paste option: Workbook page 177

Print Option: Workbook page 177

Need some more math for the day?


Social Studies: Primary and Secondary Sources

Today you will be practicing your knowledge of primary and secondary sources. Follow the steps below:

  1. Watch the lesson video from Mrs. Mangan
  2. Check out the Primary Source Task cards to make educated guesses about whether the source stated is primary or secondary. 
  3.  Record your guesses on the Recording Sheet. 
  4. Check your answers by using the QR code on each card using your smartphone or ipad camera.
  5. Share your Recording Sheet either on E-Learning Slideshow by copying and pasting or taking a picture of your printed sheet. Or, post a picture to Seesaw. The choice is yours!

**Note- The google slides (copy and paste option) have hints on each slide to help you along the way, the PDF print option does not. If you still prefer to print, take a look at the slides for the hints to help you with each task card.

The links to task card #1 and the recording sheet to use for today are below. I also shared them with you in your social studies folder. In your SS Google Drive Folder make a new folder named “primary and secondary sources” to help organize your work.

Task Cards #1 & Recording Sheet Slides copy and paste option: Task Cards #1 & Recording Sheet Slides

Task Cards #1 print option:

Recording Sheet print option:


Smart Fact

On this day in 1767 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s first opera “Apollo et Hyacinthus”, written when he was 11 years old, premiered in Salzburg. I know Mozart has been featured in the smart facts section before, but can we just stop and recognize the genius that he was, having written his first opera at age 11. He was essentially a 6th grader when he did that. The Book of Henry, Gifted and Little Man Tate are stories/movies that feature child prodigies who struggle with their gifts and their desire to lead a normal life. Perhaps suggest one for your next family movie night? 



  • Cursive

    • Watch the two tutorials
    • Print and practice x and v- put in E-Learning Slides 
  • ELA
    • Book Clubs 
      • Read your agreed upon book club amount
      • Record your jots on your group’s padlet, with your initials and the date
    • Fantasy/Imaginative Writing 
      • Watch intro video 
      • Jot down wonders, questions and ideas
      • Show me your ideas on E-Learning Slides or Seesaw   
  • Math
    • Watch math lesson video
    • Complete Workbook page 177
    • Participate in any extra IXL or challenge games (optional)
    • REFLEX MATH – 3 dots by Friday
  • Social Studies 
    • Watch the lesson on primary and secondary sources
    • Check your S.S. folder for the slides, “Task Cards #1”
    • Answer cards 1-16 and record your answers on the recording sheet
    • Check you answers using the QR code 
    • Post your recording sheet on Seesaw or E-Learning Slides 
    • Review your work since Monday and make sure you are making your corrections needed and completing any missed assignments.