Category Archives: PassionProject

Passion Project#5

Today I accomplished the whole of the snake category. I also polished some of the slides and added some transitions to them. There is a question that I have been researching alot and I cannot find the answer anywhere. The question is “How often do snakes attack humans in the US”? I asked Marcello to help me find the answer to the question and we found it together. Today I learned that snakes kill about 6 people a year. Tomorrow I plan to keep polishing.

Passion project Day#4

Today I accomplished half of the snake category. I worked for 40 min. learned that if you are cornering a snake than clear a path for it because you do not wan’t to get in the snakes way. Also, DO NOT THREATEN THE SNAKE, snakes will attack you!!! Tomorrow, I hope to get 3 quarters done.

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