Posts Tagged ‘Dō’

Choosing a Topic – Capstone #1

Hello everyone,

In fith grade at my school we do something called Capstone. Capstone is something where you pick a topic, come up with questions, do an interview and other stuff like that, then once you have your information we put together some kind of digital presentation and present it to a lot of different people.  My class started choosing our topic’s. We answered some questions, came up with more than one topic and narrowed down the topics to two. I have narrowed my topic’s down to Snapchat and Dō. For those who don’t know Snapchat is an app that allows you to take pictures of things and you can add filters then send them to your friends. Dō is a shop in NYC. It serves edible cookie dough, it also has ice cream. I think I am going to do Dō because I think it is interesting and it will be a good learning experience. I am excited to be doing this project and can’t wait to get started!

Edit: Hi guys, so after more consideration I decided to do Snapchat. I decided to do Snapchat because I will learn more from it and if I were to do Dō there wouldn’t be a good amount of information about it. I think I know what my inquiry question is, but I am not 100% sure.