Biography – Helen Keller

Helen Keller


Early Life

Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. When Helen was a baby she was not deaf or blind. She was a very smart and happy baby . She learned how to walk and speak very early. Her first words were “tea tea tea” for tea and “wa wa” for water.  She became very ill with a very high fever. There was not a lot of medicine to help her get better. She became deaf and blind when she was two years old. Helen became blind before she became deaf.


It was hard for Helen because people did not understand what she was trying to say. She threw fits and had a bad temper. On March 3, 1887, when Helen was almost six, Annie Sullivan arrived at the Keller’s house to help Helen learn sign language. At first Helen really did not like Annie. Every time Annie went near her, Helen would not be nice. Eventually they moved into a cottage on the other side of the farm so that Helen could focus and learn more things. Helen loved to be outside so most of their sessions were outside.  Helen learned how to speak in sign language. Her family learned sign language too so she could speak to them.


Adult Life

Helen had always wanted to go to a college called Radcliffe. First she went to Cambridge and studied at Mr. Gilman’s school to prepare for going to college. She studied really hard because there were no books in braille at that time. Annie had to read all the books to her in class. In 1900 Helen Keller’s dream came true. She was going to Radcliffe!  Radcliffe was one of the best colleges at that time!


Helen Keller had two major obstacles in her life, she was deaf and blind. Her life was bark and silent. There were no schools to help Helen learn how to read and write. Because Helen became deaf at such a young age it was very hard for Helen to learn to speak.


Impact the world     

Helen Keller was deaf and blind but she showed that her obstacles did not hold her back form learning how to read and write. But there were no school for deaf and blind people. Helen Keller’s family had to hire a teacher for Helen so she can learn to read and write     




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